A Different Point of View 

J. Keith Hughey


Volume XXII, Number 18 (Issue 1074) April 29, 2024 

A Different Point of View

 One of the things I find gratifying is hearing from readers who take the time to offer a comment, critique, word of thanks, or compliment regarding something that has appeared in this space. Naturally, compliments are preferred but I appreciate feedback regardless of its content. So, it was this past Monday when long-time reader Ken Ditzler of Chambersburg, PA wrote to offer a different take on my comments about weeds and their tendency to proliferate if not addressed. With Ken’s permission I am reprinting his point of view for your consideration too. 

Good morning, Keith. 

I always look forward to reading your Monday Morning Musings, even if I have to wait until Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning on occasion. 

I hope you don’t mind me sharing a slightly different perspective on this week’s Musing. You see, I too was once driven for a clean and green, pristine lawn. Like you, weeds were the enemy of my turf and I had to address them almost immediately. However, several years ago I abandoned that mindset and had a change in ‘values.’ 

Today my lawn grass has been invaded by patches of white clover, dandelions, and plantain weeds. It doesn’t always measure up to the green turf of my neighbors, but that’s OK. I still feed/fertilize my lawn and use Milky Spore to treat for grubs. But I avoid products like Round-Up, even if it means dealing with the Creeping Charlie, Crabgrass, Henbit, prostrate spurge, or chickweed. 

Why the change in my values? I picked up a new hobby about 8 years ago – I’m a beekeeper. I’ve learned so much, and I’m still learning about being an apiarist. What I didn’t expect from the hobby, is that it has given me a new perspective. Honeybees love white clover – and our family and friends enjoy the light-colored honey they produce from it. When I’m tending to the hives and get the occasional bee sting (I’m considered a ‘below average’ beekeeper since I only get about 5-10 stings a year compared to the average “beek” who gets 50), I find a plantain weed, pull off a couple of leaves, ground them with my fingers and fingernails to create a semi-paste that when rubbed on the sting offers relief from pain and swelling (the antidote is right in my lawn). Our honeybees help to pollinate our flowers and plants throughout the neighborhood and many of our friends with whom we share our honey tell us how their pollen allergies have 

resided or disappeared since they have been eating it. There are many other uses from bee products besides the honey – beeswax, pollen, and propolis. All made possible in part because of some weeds – – – weeds that aren’t really ‘weeds’ at all, it just happens to be our perspective or value that makes them a bad ‘weed.’ (I haven’t changed my mind on poison ivy – – – still a bad weed!) 

Beekeeping has reinforced patience (to remain calm when you have thousands of stinging insects around you, and sometimes you have to walk away and regroup) and an understanding of our ecosystem. This has given me a greater appreciation of God’s gifts . . . even if it looks like a weed, it has a purpose and can be beneficial. 

Thanks for letting me share a different point of view – I believe that differences are truly blessings. 

“Bee” well my friend. 


I welcome hearing different points of view. I like it because I know my knowledge, such that it is, is grounded in as well as constrained by what I have learned and the filters and biases I apply to that input. Beyond that, whether my learning has taken place via personal experience, things I have read, heard, or seen, the fact is I know very little in the grand scheme of things. Thus, what I value is the ability to learn, interpret, and reinterpret information. I hope you do too. 

So, thanks to Ken and everyone who takes the time to add to my store of knowledge and beliefs. I appreciate all of you. May I/we remain open to others’ points of view and may we never cease learning. 

Soli Deo Gloria 

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” Proverb 9:9 

J. Keith Hughey

Mobile: (210)260-0955

E-mail: keith@jkeithhughey.com

Website: www.jkeithhughey.com

Transforming Potential into Unmatched Performance

Copyright 2024 by J. Keith Hughey. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for reproduction and redistribution of this essay as provided under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Recent issues of Musings may be found at www.jkeithhughey.com.  Your comments are always welcome.

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